Today was another important day, Cassie went to see Dr. Gorter for her follow up post Botox treatments. I know how hard Cassie has worked the last few months and was excited for Dr. Gorter to see Cassie's improvements. Cassie's OT from Chedoke Julia Lockhart and her OT student Krista were doing the spasticity clinic today which was a terrific bonus. Last year Cassie and Julia had spent hours and hours together working improving Cassie's left hand function as part of the
Focus on Function Study. Julia recognized the changes in Cassie and commented how good she is doing. Julia is very pleased with Cassie's open relaxed and semi-functional left hand. Julia looks at the whole child and she quickly pointed out how much Cassie has matured.

Here is a picture of Cassie with her OT Julia Lockhart and the wonderfully kind, nice OT student Krista. Cassie took to Krista quickly. Her kind gentle nature is just what Cassie likes. When Cassie got bored she played with Krista's ponytail while the doctor talked. I was able to listen and participate in the discussion. Good luck with your education Krista you may want to consider pediatrics.

The above picture is with Tara, Child Life worker and Cassie role playing how to insert an IV. Cassie has been working very very hard to overcome her fear of needles. Today was another visit with Tara the Child Life Worker at Mcmaster Childrens Hospital. Cassie attended her Botox under sedation appointment back in November and it was apparent to everyone at the Spasticity clinic that Cassie has a true fear and displays quite bad anxiety around needles. Cassie's first trip to the Spasticity clinic Tara was not booked in to be with Cassie. She happened to be around heard about a child in distress and came to the rescue. Tara is Cassie's "Safe person in the Hospital". Cassie responds to this idea of a safe friend. Tara has a wonderful, soft voice, she immediately recognized Cassie's need for control and set about giving Cassie back her control. Tara is the lady that I so desperately needed as watching Cassie loss control and get that upset pulls at a mother's hear strings. It made her Dad and I question putting Cassie through Botox. If Tara was not part of this integral team I feel we would have bailed out and not given Cassie botox until she was older. I am so glad to be referred to Tara and I feel able to cope with some of Cassie's behaviors because I recognize them as true fears. Dr. Gorter also gave me a script for Ativan for Cassie so we get some sleep the night before and I think all of these strategies will help.

Tara has now met with Cassie three times. Tara gave Cassie the doll below. However the doll was just a white cloth doll who Cassie was allowed to decorate. Cassie's aunt Helen got her hands on the doll and now she is a very special Sara Doll who is Cassie's doll to bring to her Botox Under sedation appointments. Sara doll is part of Tara's plan to teach Cassie how things will go during the hospital stay. Cassie has now done IV insertions on her doll. Maybe she will be a nurse like her mom one day.
With Cassie's brain injury she learns visually, she needs extra reminders and practise due to memory problems and Tara already knows this and has Cassie demonstating how to insert an IV for everyone in the room. I will practise and reinforce at home and Cassie will have more control and understanding of what to expect next time. I am amazed and so thankful to have Tara's expertise. My goal will be to hopefully get Cassie to accept a flu shot again one day.
Tara is teaching me about imagery and relaxation techniques to practise with Cassie. I received some articles titled
Stories for Helping children with Painful Sensations that I cant wait to read and try out some of the techniques. Maybe I can learn these techniques during my free time at Ability Camp.

Here is Cassie's new doll to come to all her painful medical appointments. Aunt Helen was so thoughtful to make her a dress. Cassie's favourite cousin is Sara who has curly red hair. I think Sara doll is going to be an important pal to have at her treatrments. I was not able to get a picture with Dr. Gorter but maybe we can ask him for next time. Dr. Gorter seemed very impressed with the gains Cassie has made. I respect his opinions and am very glad that we agreed to the use of Botox to help Cassie improve her left hand and leg.
We now have plans for another Botox under sedation on Monday May 11, 2009. This weekend we are off for a wonderful adventure to Pickton Ontario to attend Ability Camp. We have been making plans to go for months now. Every thing is ready and we are very excited. I will blog the Ability Camp experience as a scrap book of memories for my youngest most special girl.
Love you Cassie.
Hi Kathy,
ReplyDeleteI seem to be abit behind with following your blog. People who deal with children are special. I remember when my son was hospitalized for one month how good the staff were with him. People are what makes the difference in tough situations, in my opinion.