Here are two very special brothers who have birthdays one day apart. Zac Rowitz turned 14 and his younger bother Tyler turned 10. Tyler has cerebral palsy from birth. He had a very rocky start to the world. His mother told me that he had an Apgar of 0 and was revived at birth. The lack of oxygen caused his cerebral palsy. The family is at Ability camp for the second time to work on Tyler's rehabillitation. They come from Los Angeles California for Conductive Education and Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Big brother Zac is auesome with Tyler. He is home schooled and helps his mom all the time. I have watched him cook meals in the kitchen. Having a brother with so many medical problems has taught him to be independent.

Tyler in his super cool, sporty stroller at his birthday party. He has gorgeous jet black hair and dark eyes. I cant help but admire this family. Dad flew in from Calefornia to see the boys for their birthdays.

Some of the children at the boys birthday party sharing cake and singing to the two brothers. I think I will ask Julia if she wants to stay at camp on our last week here. Many of the chidren came with their siblings. The older children hangout together. This may be something Julia would like to do as these kids have something in common having a sibling with disability. They are able to share time and stories together and the friendships grow at Ability camp.
Hi Kathy,
ReplyDeleteI love the idea that Julia might be able to come for the last week. It would do her the world of good to see other children in the same position as she is.
As you say, friendships can be built there between the older siblings as well.