Cassie's conductive Education class working between two lines. This exercise you must walk with left foot forward, right hand up and alternate. Interesting to see how difficult this is for children with cerebral palsy. It takes lots of correcting and concentration. Cassie spent a lot of time doing this type of therapy and she really excels in this program. 
Cassie and Jessie getting ready for this exercise.
Cassie is trying to side step keeping her toes on the line. She has to concentrate and correct her foot placement each time. Such easy exercises that could be incorporated into any physical education program or physiotherapy program. Hope to keep these up when she returns to school. Cassie thinks these are such fun.

Rewards after hard work. The children get to play the Wii Fit. This game they have to shift their weight from left to right. Balance and co-ordiantion. The kids try to beat each others score. I may be convinced to buy my children this gaming system after all

Rewards after hard work. The children get to play the Wii Fit. This game they have to shift their weight from left to right. Balance and co-ordiantion. The kids try to beat each others score. I may be convinced to buy my children this gaming system after all
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