Yesterday Cassie had a melt down and did not want to go to class. She had told her teacher she had to go to the bathroom and snuck out to cry and said her tummy hurt, she found me and tried to try to bail out of her program for the day. It was difficult for me to watch. She was really mad and freaking out about me sending her back to class. She got a time out from her conductor due to breaking trust and leaving the program. She had a temper tantrum in the corner of her class. The conductor later told me she was doing fine again and it was short lived. I had numerous mothers give me support. These mothers have to push their disabled children every day of their lives. It is important to stay calm and follow through on what we say. Cassie needs clear expectations. When Cassie has this behavior is usually worse on me than Cassie. She gets over things quickly and is not embarrassed. I appreciated the support from the other mothers. Ability camp truly has ups and downs as you push through the tough program.

Today the conductors asked us mothers to stay for the entire class. We all thought we were going to be watching our children and see what they are learning. These conductors are smart. They told the parents we had to
do the program. This was
brilliant. It helped me realize exactly what Cassie is going through. I am so tired, stiff and sore. Yet the children did all the exercises with weights and elastics and I did not have any weights. The children blew their parents out of the water. Below is Jessie with the lying program with his weights. His mom is beside him with no weights trying to keep up.

Cassie using elastics for resistance. My muscles were burning and yet these children do the entire programs with weak or stiff muscle tone. Can you blame a child if they have a bad day? I am able to put yesterday's melt down by my eight year old in perspective. Hard work makes you emotional. Who would not try to get out of working some days.

Cassie loved making her mother do this exercise that she does easily. I may keep going to class. I may as well get in shape while I'm here if the conductor lets me. The children do act differently when their parent is in the class with them. What a fun experience.

This was an enlightening day. It reinforces just how hard Cassie is working. It reminds me to have patience with her ups and downs with her mood. Again, Cassie your father and I are very very pleased and proud of you. Keep up the hard work this effort will truly pay off for you in the long run.
I love this posting.
ReplyDeleteYes, your conductors are smart and this was especially good for you with it coming directly after Cassie's hard day. I bet she loved being able to do things better than you.
In such a situation not only do the parents get a better understanding of bodily movement and the difficulties sometimes needed to be overcome to achieve them, but also the children learn about the daily programme. They see how it is constructed and how the day is built up so they can learn and achieve everything to use in their daily lives too.
Your story reminded me of another experience we give to our teenage group once in a while. We swap roles. The children have plenty of notice of this "swap day" so they can construct a programme for us the conductors with individual plans for us all. They know us all so well,they hear every "oh" and "ah" as we bend and stretch, they know excactly which parts of which body needs working on and for this they plan.
The whole day is a delight, of course the conductors have to plan too to make it possible for each child to participate fully. It is a wonderful experience for us all. The children most of all are surprised by their own understanding of what conductive upbringing is all about. The conductors get to lie down for a few minutes!
Keep enjoying the support of the other parents and remember that after the camp is over there is still the blogosphere, skype and emails for support and sharing information. It is one of my hopes to get this network more active.
There are many people out there in the Conductive World wanting to be in contact, including me!
from Susie
See also -
PS. I will post a photo this evening for Cassie of my shoelace tieing day. Maybe with few words in German.