Today there was a parent' s meeting to discuss various housekeeping details and hear more about our children's progress. One of the natural remedies that is recommended at camp is a Sage Bath. I wanted to look up more information on Sage. Sage is a common ingredient of herbal medicines, herbal cosmetics preparations and health food. Sage bath was traditionally used in many countries to help improve various health conditions, from depression to skin inflammations, rheumatism and arthritis. It is also applied as a restorative and invigorating treatment, especially for patients of older age. As a cosmetic treatment Sage bath helps combat acne and skin inflammations, maintain healthy young skin. Used in foot bath to help get rid of foot odor and dry pealing skin. Many of the children at camp are working on ways to improve their muscle tone. Conductive Education is a program offering intensive therapy of around six hours a day. First of all everyday exercise and stretching helps..the brain is very flexible when we are young (up to 10-12 years) it is capable of learning new motor patterns, and because of it the brain can get used to the change of the muscle tone...thats why its important to exercise and stretch every day. Lack of exercise can lead to tightness and contractures which is what we are working to prevent with Cassie.

There are few good ways to reduce spasticity..Sage is a natural muscle relaxer..sage bath is done here at camp in the mornings to help the children with increased tone to loosen up. It is followed by a passive stretching program and then all their other active programs. Cassie who is milder than others at the camp is lucky as she was told she only has to soak her feet in sage in the mornings before class. Mornings are a rush and with only four bathtubs at camp the children who are stiffer than Cassie need them and we are able to stay out of their way.
Oma mentioned to me that sage oil has some hormone like estrogen in it so I will stay away from the oil. I went to the health food store and got dry sage. You put it into a nylon stocking and let it brew like tea in hot water then soak in it to work as a natural muscle relaxer. Cassie enjoys relaxing treatments anyway. You are aware that Cassie has also been doing her Botox treatments at home. Botox temporarily loosen the muscles and the affects last approximately three months after each injection. I feel fortunate to try a natural remedy and Cassie will recieve a combination of effective treatments as she grows.
Hello Kate and Cassie,
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice to know you are already at the camp!! I received your email and when I bring the boys home from school I am going to share with them. Surely the entire class and Mr. Moase are missing Cassie's smile, but she'll be back very soon. Yesterday night and today is being soooo windy here, it feels like Cuba with its hurricanes, hahahaha! Cassie, could you tell me how the squirrels can walk without being flying around with this wind? I don't understand how they do it!!
I'll keep checking the blog to read your beautiful stories.
With love,
P.S. Cassie, let's practice spanish when you come back! Hasta la vista, preciosa!!
Hello Kathy,
ReplyDeleteI have always thought the natural way was easier on the planet as well as on ourselves. When one thinks about it, the natural things were the only things available to people many, many years ago. Mind you, modern meds have their place but they also have their disadvantages.
The sage foot bath sounds nice!