Aunt Shirley and Uncle Sam stayed with Cassie at Ability camp allowing me a few days to go home and get a few things done. Aunt Shirley timed Cassie and it takes her 25 minutes to put on her socks and shoes. Aunt Shirley went to a parent inofrmation session and they discussed the daily program and allowing time for tasks. Aunty Shirley gave me the written information and she educated me on some of the important points. Like other busy parents we are not allowing Cassie enough time to master certain tasks. One example is getting her shoes on each morning. We are always rushing out the door to work and school and Cassie does not have enough time so we end up just doing the task for her. By timing Cassie with the task of putting on her shoes, it makes me realize that I must incorporate extra time into Cassie's morning. (No more cartoons until after the shoes are on.) Aunt Shirley highlighted the important information being reinforced. The Practice makes perfect idea that has been adopted and utilized to its maximum here at Ability camp (following the lead from the Peto Institute for Conductive Education in Hungary). The daily program at Ability camp revolves around programs and routines wherein the children are encouraged to do things for themselves even if it takes them extra time. Cassie like other children with Cerebral Palsy suffers some learning problems and some motor problems on her left side. She needs extra time and practise to accomplish some of the more difficult tasks but is very capable when given the opportunity. Here at Ability camp Cassie has the opportunity to practice and repeat the skills she has learned over and over again. Learning the new skill is very empowering to her and she runs around showing everyone what she has learned. Aunt Shirley had her show me how she is learning to do zippers. It took her awile but she beamed from ear to ear and did not allow any one to offer any help.
Here at Ability camp the children have the time during the five to six hour class and the opportunity to practice and reinforce the skills they need and then they transfer the skills learned into every day life skills. Continuity is necessary to reinforce a new skill. Thus Chris and I have practised with Cassie all weekend. An opportunity to use the same skill for many different tasks is also essential. We have been using a set of dolls to continue to practise tying, zipping and buttoning our clothes, wooden shoes for lacing and our own clothing is great for practise. How exciting to see Cassie's confidence grow. She is one determined little girl. Thanks Aunt Shirley for helping to educate me and show me again what Cassie is capable of. We are so thankful to have had you and Uncle Sam share the experience of Ability camp. Cassie was proud to
show you what gains she has made and to see just how hard she is working here at camp.

Aunty Shirley and me at Ability camp.
Thanks for all the home cooked food, the trip to Bellville, the long talks and the wonderful week together. We love you