Cassie and I spent another long day at Prothetics and Orthodics Department at Chedoke. The Orthotist Sharon Carr was creating Cassie's new feet (as Cassie calls them). The cast was removed. Cassie was very happy and we are very pleased with the nice stretch to Cassie,s muscles. Here is a picture of Cassie's foot after casting. Much, much flatter on the floor. Interestingly, the large callous on her outer boarder of her foot softened right up because Cassie did not walk on the outside boarder of her foot for six weeks. The calcaneous bone still inverts in and Cassie will have to keep working on this but I think the gentle stretching of the cast made a big difference and although we still have lots of work ahead I am glad I invested all the time into serial casting. The physio therapist Cindy and Sharon seemed satisfied that there was progress.

Cindy Gamboretto Physiotherapist at Chedoke Developmental rehabillitation Program. Checking the progress with Cassie's foot. Cindy spent many hours with Cassie while Sharon did the custom work on the new Ankle Foot Orthosis. Cindy is a great advocate for Cassie and they have developed a special relationship. As well she is great support for mom!! Thanks so much Cindy.
The New Ankle Foot Orthotic for the left foot. Cassie chose the colour and design of hearts. Perfect for a seven year old girl. Soon to be eight years old on January 18th. Lots of time spent watching Cassie walk and adjusting the brace. And of course futther appointments needed to keep adjusting and we wait until next Friday for the SMO for her right foot.

The New Braces
Cassie and Cindy her Physiotherapist. I love this shot. Shows the relationship that has developed and the wonderful work the therapists at Chedoke do. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
I think the first comment did not go in so will try again. I have seen first hand how nice the staff are to Cassie when she is undergoing her treatment.