All children react differently to anethesia but Cassie seems to react well. Dr. Burrows met us in the waiting room before I entered and she told us Cassie was already awake and doing well! The nurse continually assessed Cassie's pain and responded promptly to her needs. Cassie's length of stay in this unit was short.
Dr. Burrows told both parents she felt the surgery was successful. She has some further ideas regarding another treatment involving muscle stimulation for her left foot. I think she stated there are only two wires into the foot instead of four pins like we were expecting. She said the foot appeared to line up really nicely. They inserted a pain block into the left foot and thus Cassie had no pain in her left foot. The block lasted eight hours and made post op Day one pretty easy. Cassie was moved into a room on 3C. It is really an experience staying in a pediatric ward. Lots of noise, crying children and babies, lights, nurses and families living in close proximity. I had stayed on the unit for six weeks when Cassie had a shunt infection and somehow I got used to this commotion but I found it very exhausting this time around. Cassie's first roomate was a baby girl 7 weeks old named Kennedy but she was being discharged so we did not get to know this family. It was glorious having the room to ourselves, Chris rearranged the furniture and found me a more comfortable chair that made a cot. We also confiscated the remote control for the big screen TV. This is a nice luxury that was not there during our last stay. Very good to distract children who are recovering.
I picture of the nice white cast. Cassie was told to keep it elevated on pillows and she did a good job following orders. There was a oxygen saturation monitor on the big toe and it was easy to check CSM. Colour, Sensation and movement often.
Some bannana popsicles helped wet the dry whistle almost as soon as we arrived. The red candy cane gown was quiet cute as well. Cassie would not use her weak hand while the IV was in, I think it freaked her out because it was positional and the pump kept beeping.
Supportive Grammy back at the bedside amusing Cassie with her Camera
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