My family and friends must have guessed I’d write something about turning 40. To me it is a big deal. I was born in 1970 and now its 2010 already! I really can’t believe I am at middle age. It is difficult to think I may be half way through my life already. I don’t feel 40. At the same time I love my life and am happy with where things are at right now.
After graduating from nursing school in 1993 I met Chris, The perfect man for me. Chris is tall, dark and handsome. So calm, I’m so hyper. So quiet, I’m so talkative. He thinks through things carefully, I rush ahead. We compliment each other. He slows me down and always stays calm. I speed him up, motivate him and keep things exciting! Two years ago he had a stroke. We were not paying enough attention to each other, working too hard, fighting too much. Out of bad, comes good. Now we make more time for each other, try to have our meetings like Jamie suggested. We took our first vacation together since our girls were born. Cruised the Caribbean with Bill, Triena and friends. Chris is healthy again. Next to health, Chris is the most important thing in my life. Thanks for having this 40th birthday party for me Chris. Thanks for cleaning up the house and yard, thanks for my table and chairs a nice meeting place to talk and thanks for cooking 120 cabbage rolls! I love you with all-my heart husband.
In 1998 Julia was born the second biggest day in my life. She was so perfect, a Gerber baby. Julia won the Caledonia Fair baby contest. Colleen and Jamie thought of her name. It was the first name Chris did not say no too so I jumped at it! Julia is a perfect daughter smart, beautiful and so well liked. I really enjoy you Julia, I love being your mother. You are growing up fast.
In 2001 our second angel girl Cassandra was born. Named by Chris this time. Cassie met some complications and this was a difficult time for Chris and I. We could not bring you home for many months. The doctors told us about your brain injury and we were worried. Chris and I relied on our faith. Difficult times in life enable you to clearly see who your good friends are. Colleen and Jamie, Steve and Sue Case, Colleen and John, Aunt Helen and Dave. My family and Tex’s family all stepped up to the plate. Phone calls, visits to the hospital, food, babysitting Julia, words of encouragement it all helped. Chris and I accepted what God had in store. Cassie is so chatty like me. She makes friends with everyone. She pushes herself. She tries hard. She hardly even looks “like a girl with a disability”. She makes us so proud. She teaches us all not to feel sorry for ourselves. Cassie has the world at her doorstep. I am blessed to have my two beautiful girls. Chris and I work as a team and parenting is our favorite job.
I can’t let turning 40 go by without thanking my mom, my best friend. Mom and Joe will do anything for us. Nothing is ever too much to ask. They are the best parents in the world. They raised me well, they are the best grandparents and we will always be grateful for what they do for us. Thanks mom, your baby girl is turning 40.
I am a very blessed person. I am lucky enough to have the same girlfriends since public school. Laura, Chrissy, Colleen, Susan and Tracy. Over 30 years of true friendship with these gals. Girl friends are important to me. They remind me I can still look hot and that 40 is really the new 30! I will always make time for my girlfriends. It never matters how long it has been since we last visited. I am glad to see them when I can. I love them and am blessed to have them.
New friends have been added since living in Ancaster. Graema, Susi, Giselle, Deb, Janet, Andrea. They make Ancaster home. They are involved in my everyday life. Thanks for being a part of my birthday party friends.
Lastly, I am so blessed to have a very big supportive family. I have brothers and sisters, the Fruck family, the Wazny family, gramps, aunts, uncles and cousins. We try to get together often. We teach our children how important family is. I wanted to be sure to include you all in this milestone of me turning 40. I am always loved and supported in my family. I am one lucky girl.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes, Have fun at my party. Laugh, Eat and Love I am really going to enjoy this day. I hope I have another good 40 years!!
Love Kate